your eyes make mine twinkle. and my heart beat a little crazier.
oh hi there :) This is a journal, emotional recycle bin, confession box, rant zone and a 16ner's exhibit of her individuality and free spirit. Feel free to roam around. :)
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics.
they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top).
Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 9:29 AM
realize. yes. you must. we must.
I had a few realizations:
o1. I want a YABANG PINOY bracelet. Sad thing it isn't available here in Pampanga.
o2. I am still so immature. I had another petty fight with Angela. It's not her fault, it's not mine. It's both. I tend to be really impatient and demanding oftentimes than not.
o3. I now know why I'm not "blooming" in spite the fact that I am having a crush on someone. eh kasi naman :: kung may puppy love, eh di dapat may "puppy crush" din? haha! so yun, I consider myself in the "puppy crush" stage. And base on how I see things, it would not go any further...pero ayaw ko pa rin magsalita ng tapos. malay natin... (nyek?)
o4. I need indeed ( anu daw?) to change my layout na. But that would entail so so much work and stuffs. I dislike editing codes or whatsoever you call them. And that would be no sooner because I'm too lazy. YES, I'm one of those self-imposed procrastinators out there.
o5. I should, really should, stop posting very random and irrelevant entries. It's pretty boring to read them. Shorter ones are better. You know that people, especially of my (or our) age, have short attention span right? Same thing with reading. But if I really have to post long ones, disregard that fact. haha!
Last realization:: o6. I need to end this post already. It's getting kinda long. That's against realization no. o5. hihi. Hey wait! Why does it have to end with no. o6? Why not seven? ihhh. Seven pleases me in case you don't know.
It may hurt me in the process but I should get used to not having you I won't miss you that much. awww. kuha nyo nga ako ng passport papuntang GUAM. :c
joke lang. kayo naman oh, si jeygee lang yan.
Vanity isn't a sin, a little narcissm wouldn't hurt.
SIYEMS.16 years young. Christian. aspiring writer. journalist in the making. frustrated pianist. bubbly. witty. dreamer of big things. unsporty. narcoleptic. diagnosed thyself of SAD syndrome (beat that !). Kuyas' girl. your next big thing... nah, just kidding.
mucho love.

LOVES : guitars. TEDDIES - my best sleep buddies. bonbons . pigging-out... I mean eating out, of course. :)) cracking the CORNIEST jokes. ICE CREAMS. laughing till my tummy hurts. friends. GOD.
LOATHES : the devil - LOSEEER .! liars. "feelers". dull moments. strict school rules. having to be on a diet. arrr. people who don't even TRY to laugh at my jokes.
WISHLIST : ( GIMME some love XD ) a DSC-T700 . a lomo cam. yabang pinoy band. a cellular phone. trip tickets to EUROPE. more teddies :) . have guitar and piano lessons.
ate chiui
+ sino si jeygee
+ eh kasi nga..busy.
+ yeah. was busy.I think I wouldn't be able to write...
+ back.
+ bakasion grande
+ i'm tagged. at last? haha
+ st. genevieve. uuh.
+ excitement takes me.
+ JB again.
+ April 2008
+ May 2008
+ June 2008
+ July 2008
+ August 2008
+ September 2008
+ October 2008
+ November 2008
+ December 2008
+ January 2009
+ February 2009
+ March 2009
+ May 2009
+ August 2009
A accidentality productions
Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D
