your eyes make mine twinkle. and my heart beat a little crazier.
oh hi there :) This is a journal, emotional recycle bin, confession box, rant zone and a 16ner's exhibit of her individuality and free spirit. Feel free to roam around. :)
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics.
they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top).
Sunday, February 15, 2009, 7:15 PM
enough of second chances
wow. It has been half a month. I'm running out of things to say, though I have a lot in fact. harhar. I just don't know how to organize them. Time for some brain work. I was idle (in a blogger aspect) for half a month and that isn't good. So now what? hmm..
Church- I'm missing a lot of it. Help me pray. Let's meet in prayers.
School - Heck. There's A LOT of work. We have revised our thesis for the nth time imaginable. And revising means reprinting. Reprinting means we have to pay for the printing fees, AGAIN. We are so relieved (that we wanna to throw a party) that the thesis stuff's finally over. Thank God. As in.
What else have I in store for you?
I'm really, with the best of my efforts, trying to lose weight. Know what? It's a lot harder than having thesis work. I have to sacrifice a lot of things. I have to pretend I don't know how good lollipops and the like are. Grr. I even have to jog and do strenous activities. My oh my. This is real torture. The silver lining is that, I'll be making him realize what he had but chose to let it go, and that he'll never have it again. . . . palaban ! haha.
"He" has changed a lot that sometimes I don't know who he is anymore. He keeps on disregarding my feelings. His jokes aren't funny anymore, the fact is, they're like double-edged sword that cuts through me. He is not even aware of it, that he's causing me so much pain than necessary. The biggest question I have in me now is that :
When love ends, how soon should you let go ... how long should you hold on. -- One More Chance
I'm left with no answer. I need a genius. Einstein himself perhaps. Truth is, not a genius could answer that. It's me myself. But I'm afraid of the answer I'll come up with. I'm still not ready for that. I'm in the hurting process, and the "moving on" one. I hope it wouldn't take long. Me passing the UPCAT is a great help. I'll be away for 4 months. 4 months of not seeing even his shadow, not hearing his voice that I so adore. Those ought to help. I'm with crossed fingers.
Aba teka lang. Grabe ang shift ng story ko ah. From losing weight to my heartache. Enough of this. I ought not to depress myself. I choose to be happy, loveless or not. :)
Missed ya guys. :) I'm gonna blog hop.
Vanity isn't a sin, a little narcissm wouldn't hurt.
SIYEMS.16 years young. Christian. aspiring writer. journalist in the making. frustrated pianist. bubbly. witty. dreamer of big things. unsporty. narcoleptic. diagnosed thyself of SAD syndrome (beat that !). Kuyas' girl. your next big thing... nah, just kidding.
mucho love.

LOVES : guitars. TEDDIES - my best sleep buddies. bonbons . pigging-out... I mean eating out, of course. :)) cracking the CORNIEST jokes. ICE CREAMS. laughing till my tummy hurts. friends. GOD.
LOATHES : the devil - LOSEEER .! liars. "feelers". dull moments. strict school rules. having to be on a diet. arrr. people who don't even TRY to laugh at my jokes.
WISHLIST : ( GIMME some love XD ) a DSC-T700 . a lomo cam. yabang pinoy band. a cellular phone. trip tickets to EUROPE. more teddies :) . have guitar and piano lessons.
ate chiui
+ pleased with it
+ up up and away it went :)
+ move it
+ never an original
+ gimme gimme
+ you puzzle me
+ touch me not. :))
+ i shall return xP
+ monsters inc.
+ say no to love (?)
+ April 2008
+ May 2008
+ June 2008
+ July 2008
+ August 2008
+ September 2008
+ October 2008
+ November 2008
+ December 2008
+ January 2009
+ February 2009
+ March 2009
+ May 2009
+ August 2009
A accidentality productions
Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D
