Life is plain without music![]() | ||||||||||
your eyes make mine twinkle. and my heart beat a little crazier.
oh hi there :) This is a journal, emotional recycle bin, confession box, rant zone and a 16ner's exhibit of her individuality and free spirit. Feel free to roam around. :) navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
Friday, October 24, 2008, 10:51 AM
You may all be startled and confused about what are all these about. Ever heard of 'Nibiru', popularly known as 'Planet X'? It's been said that in 12.21.12 , it will collide Earth, causing global destruction. I was quite shocked when Shiela filled me in with this stuff. I think that this might be true. You may say "Jerk! That's not." Let me tell you this, chaos and other bad stuffs are meant to happen, read Revelation (if you don't know what Revelation is, it's the last book in the Bible). That is why it is ironic for a Christian to pray for world peace, because wars between nations, mass destructions and things of the same sort are signs that the Lord's second coming is getting nearer. I do not say that I entirely believe this, I'm just saying that there's really a great possibility. If that will be in 12.21.12, then that's four years from now...awwww, PLEASE! NOT YET. I'M GONNA MARRY EC FIRST. hahaha. But if it's God's be it. The Sumarians were well aware that our solar system was Heliocentric (sun-centered). Moreover they show 11 celestial bodies or planets.The above picture taken from a Sumerian cylinder seal clearly shows that they not only knew the number of bodies in the solar system, but the relative size as well. There is a twelfth body shown away from the solar system. This would be Nibiru. Naturally this seal has led to major controversy from both sides of the issue, though the old addage "A picture is worth a thousand words" applies quite well to this image. ![]() I'll upload some videos next time if I can afford to. I'll be blog hopping. GOD BLESS! Thursday, October 23, 2008, 11:27 AM
what the future holds is a secret
Watdya think? Help me decide for my future. Actually, AB Com Arts takes more weight than the others, and Nursing has the least, but back then when I was in my junior year in high school, when people ask me about what I would take in college, I'll answer 'Nursing' without any hint of doubt. My being careless and irresponsible were the reasons why I reconsidered taking up Nursing-I don't wanna kill innocents. My plan is that after taking Nursing, I'll take up AB Com Arts or Journalism , since mom told me I wouldn't have to take the same subjects I will take in Nursing, like Eng 1, Math 1 and etc. She said that after taking Nursing, Journalism would PROBABLY be a two-year course only, since I've already had some subject areas. Could Ate Chiui or some other college students out there explain to me how will this work? Thanks. I don't know if the I'm making the idea clear to you. :)) I have butterflies in my stomach at this very moment. We'll have a hands-on test in Sir Vitug's class (that's exactly 3o minutes from now) and it's not that easy as it seems to you. Let's pray, shall we? is it too late? what happened to 'second chances'? Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 2:40 PM
29 sleepless nights in line
A month to go na lang TWILIGHT na. Can't wait. lemme ask: What happens if you get scared half to death twice? :)) I want some jokes. I would very much appreciate if you send me some, or if you want, just post them in your blogs (and don't forget to let me know you've done me a favor). I need them. ps. Do you love me? ...then start making me laugh my head off. oh please! thanks. love ya. xoxo. Monday, October 20, 2008, 12:27 PM
I extend my sincere (or not so, ha ha) apology to anyone (if there is) who reads my blog for not updating. It seems so that I am not that virtuoso in time management. A lot of activities in school are eating my time away. And my ministries are adding up. *Thank you LORD for cumulatively trusting me. They are growing too. :) Greater glory to HIM alone. I feel so blessed. I pray He'll burn me up with even more passion for the lost. Christians are often criticized, one wrong move and shoosh, everything's wrecked, the good you've done are forgotten, what they remember is that teeny weeny wrong deed. When I say I'm a Christian, I'm not saying I'm perfect.That is why I'm nothing compared to my Savior. Why are people so judgmental? They reason out that we should be almost flawless since we claim to be children of God, His heirs. They've got it wrong, we stumble too. We have our own shares of imperfections, just like everybody else-Christians or not. That's why we need His help. I,too, have a pencil with an eraser. I am not being bitter, intro lang. ha ha. Loosen up! As I have said in my earlier post, there were times that I felt uncertain, unattached. Though I'm physically present, my heart was somewhere else. It went stone cold. My burden for the lost diminished. I no longer felt excited going to church, to His house. I stopped attending our Music Team practices, that went on for a month. I bet my piano's eating so much dust by this time. (Good thing it isn't like the guitar that when you fail to play it at frequent times, it goes off-tone.)The worse? I spent less and less time talking and listening to Him, until I had no time AT ALL. My mornings were far from what they used to be, devotions were taken for granted,until I had none at all. I nearly became a backslider at heart. I really did feel lonesome. Being away from my Best friend did not make me happy, it was the other way around-no, make it much worse. I would like to think that the reasons why things turned out this way is that I felt that my testimony to my classmates and friends isn't that good, that they might be thinking that I am just "hypocritizing". ( Go back to my intro. ) I thought that my efforts were all nothing but futile, for I can't even make someone ( in school ) believe that I am God-called. ( Irene is an exception I think. As to Chinky, it's a blur, right? And a few people pala! So, it's not "nobody" all in all. That's pretty fair.)I am to iron that out. I swear that from this day onwards, I'll leave the old me behind. I won't care if I am not a pleasure in people's eyes anymore, I'll make myself a God-pleaser instead. I believe that's so much better.I'm willing to burn bridges if necessary. Anyway, what's on your heart naturally comes out, it manifests, whether you want it to or not. I'll try to talk less, act more. I've got some straightening out to do, as the song goes. I'm trashing out my "about me " nature, it's all about You, Jesus. I'm coming back to the heart of worship and it's all about You, it's all about You Jesus Monday, October 13, 2008, 11:33 AM
He's the voice of truth
RULES: Put the logo on your blog. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you. Link 10 other bloggers whom you wanted to share this award to. Give a reason why you consider that person’s blog cool. chincoii - just because she's chinky. haha. rouxies - for being the most honest frog in town. nyepot. charoot- for updating her blog...once every two months? haha! chesca - for patronizing our very own Tagalog dialect. dylan- my fellow Kapampangan. :) comusta? riyo- she's heavensent! haha. im giving her the award to show my endless gratitude to her for giving me chris tiu's blog link. 4 more? i think the list's enough. :) Spread the love! Now back to stories. We had an advance celebration of my youngest bro's birthday. Supposedly, we are to celebrate this Wednesday but our schedules wouldn't permit so we gave the "Family Day" a chance. Moymoy, the birthday boy (haha! what a rhyme), had his request of having his birthday lunch at Jollibee. I don't get it why kids so love Jollibee with the biggest butt ever? haha. I might get sued for this. He wanted some new toys so we strolled around the dutyfree shops. I bagged a huge blue pillow that looks like Blue's pawprint home. I suggested that before ending the day, we should pay Nayong Filipino a visit, they agreed. We took a lot of pictures, silly pictures. I'll post them next time. We really had a quality family time. Oh,the total bliss. I would like to share with you this song. Not all of you will like it for sure, but it's really inspiring - and encouraging I must add. It really suits me at the very moment. It tells me not to be afraid and just carry on to God's special calling to me. God bless everyone. Oh what I would do to have The kind of faith it takes To climb out of this boat I'm in Onto the crashing waves To step out of my comfort zone Into the realm of the unknown where Jesus is And He's holding out His hand But the waves are calling out my name And they laugh at me Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed The waves they keep on telling me Time and time again. "Boy, you'll never win!" "You'll never win!" Chorus: But the voice of truth tells me a different story The voice of truth says, "Do not be afraid!" The voice of truth says, "This is for My glory" Out of all the voices calling out to me I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth Oh what I would do to have The kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant With just a sling and a stone Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors Shaking in their armor Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand But the giant's calling out my name And he laughs at me Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed The giant keeps on telling me Time and time again. "Boy you'll never win!" "You'll never win!" But the stone was just the right size To put the giant on the ground And the waves they don't seem so high From on top of them lookin' down I will soar with the wings of eagles When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus Singing over me I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth Saturday, October 11, 2008, 12:39 PM
CLCIK CLICK I can't wait! NOVEMBER 21 is a date to remember. Only a month to go! credits to Zee. Hey! I must be paid for this. JK. :) something more:
The twilight fever is on! If you're not hooked yet, you don't know what you're missing. eveything gets twisted up. why does it have to? Monday, October 6, 2008, 5:59 PM
pareng SARAO
(who will be heading off to Spain in November) I'll miss ya a lot dude. You'll always be our "SARAO". You may be wondering why I keep on calliong him "SARAO" - which is a jeepney manufacturer...tama? A cute (?) and made-up-only story is behind it. I'll tell ya next time. Sunday, October 5, 2008, 7:23 PM
blue eagles vs. black vampires
Before I fill you in with what's new with me, allow me to thank ATE CHIUI first. your prayers are very much appreciated. :) My week wasn't good at all. Friday night was the only time I felt human again. The reasons I cannot tell. Some personal, spiritual, and family problems. The enemy did really try his best to put me down. LOSER. LOSER. LOSER. Every thing's set right now, I've reconciled with mom today. Here's what will really freak Chiniks out : (Bright chiniks, bravo! You've got it right. It's about Chris Tiu nga.) Anybody watched Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho? I did, because a segment was all about CHRIS TIU. pasabog # o1 :
pasabog # o2: Chris Tiu put up his own small business sa Ateneo canteen, selling chicken stuffs . chiniks, read: "CHINKY *somethingness here" yung name ng stall niya. Haba ng hair mo chiniks. :)) Nag-mamanok si Chris Tiu! hahaha. Enough of that basketball hottie. Let's talk about someone hotter, the hottest I mean. I claimed that I'll soon be Shem Camille L. Cullen in one of my earlier post right? One night, when I was really bored and not feeling sleepy at all ( because I slept half-day ), I tried to imagine what I would look like if I was a vampire. My imagination did not satisfy me, so I rummaged my mother's drawer and looked for an eyeliner. I put loose powder too, thick enough that made me look pale - like a vampire. Chiniks, is this what you call desperate? Define please. Here's what I look like if I'm one of Edward's kind: ![]() "You shouldn't really do that." "Do what?" "Dazzle people." "Do I dazzle you?" "Frequently." Yes Edward! You dazzle me more than you should. hahahaha. LOL ! You see, my "vampire look" appeared to be so funny to me. I was laughing my head off when I saw myself-with the thick eyeliner and pale skin. No matter what I'll look like, it doesn't matter. I DO Edward. I DO ! hahahaha. if only you could hear me shout your name the stars in the sky will never be the same Thursday, October 2, 2008, 7:25 PM
wanted : mom
wala na 'kong pera. T_T People owe me a lot, but they don't wanna pay. I think I won't be able to buy that crocheted- whatever. And that huge huge bag from Monakiki. Awww. T_T T_T T_T A bit tired. Not busy but I can't use the computer as much as I want. Had a fight with my mom, again - for the milllionth time. I guess we can never really work things out. We've been like this for years, since I was in elementary. That's why childhood memories aren't that good. Most of them, I would rather forget, but still my memory insists on keeping them. The thought of going home and seeing her makes me feel sick, makes me want to run away. But of course I try to lighten up, shake those thoughts away. Yes, mother-daughter relationships aren't suppossed to be like this. AAAAAH!!!!! I've run out of things to say. Actually, there's a lot. A lot. Expressing them is what I don't know how. |
Vanity isn't a sin, a little narcissm wouldn't hurt.mucho love. ![]() LOVES : guitars. TEDDIES - my best sleep buddies. bonbons . pigging-out... I mean eating out, of course. :)) cracking the CORNIEST jokes. ICE CREAMS. laughing till my tummy hurts. friends. GOD. LOATHES : the devil - LOSEEER .! liars. "feelers". dull moments. strict school rules. having to be on a diet. arrr. people who don't even TRY to laugh at my jokes. WISHLIST : ( GIMME some love XD ) a DSC-T700 . a lomo cam. yabang pinoy band. a cellular phone. trip tickets to EUROPE. more teddies :) . have guitar and piano lessons. |
![]() chincoii charoot rouxies ate chiui jeddah ritz alyssa zchelle dylan joanna rose thefabandthefurious genibangs ab riyo zee merie aix FRIENDSTER ![]() backtoyesterday
+ victory liner + pagkarandom-random :DD + lame game + you shot me right through the heart + let's all shout + enough of second chances + pleased with it + up up and away it went :) + move it + never an original wheni'mgone
+ April 2008 + May 2008 + June 2008 + July 2008 + August 2008 + September 2008 + October 2008 + November 2008 + December 2008 + January 2009 + February 2009 + March 2009 + May 2009 + August 2009 takeabow
A accidentality productions Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |
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